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Meet The Johnson Family

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The Johnson Family

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Julia Grace Johnson


Anna Faith Johnson

The Johnson Family, Sabra, Matilda, Julia, and Anna reside in an exurb of Houston, Texas. The Johnson's are a close-knit faith-oriented family who deeply believes they have an assignment to fulfill in the earth.  


Horsepower Ranch combines their three passions, family, horses and cars into one mission. This privately held “horsepower brand” specializes in the hobbyist “rearing” of champion American Quarter Horses and “restoring” award-winning vintage and classic vehicles, also known as Iron Horses.


Sabra, is a the leader of the Johnson Family. Sabra loves family, classic cars, horses, the bible and assignment driven living. Sabra is an avid car builder, pastor and recognized Texas rancher.


Matilda, the backbone of the Johnson Family, is a woman of Faith committed to using her time, treasure and talent to help others. Matilda is a lover of life, which includes horses, baking, classic cars, traveling, antiquing, worship and spending time with family and friends. Her warm smile and talent for baking make her kitchen the centerpiece of the home. Matilda is a race horse owner licensed by Texas and Louisiana and a member of the American Quarter Horse Association.  


Julia Grace is 14 years old and a lover of music, basketball, cooking, horses, fast cars and socializing with friends and family. She is a caring big sister and an example of kindness and love. 


Anna Faith is 7 years old and the youngest of the Johnson Family. She is a lover of dressup, horses, crafts, classic cars, swimming and spending time with her big sister.


Horsepower Ranch, anchored in the heart of Texas, is owned by the Johnson Family. JHPR embraces true Southern values and the natural beauty of ranch life. The Johnson Family's Philanthropic mission is to fund causes that empower others to dream bigger dreams as well as use the Horsepower Ranch horses to connect with those struggling with life issues – divorce, bullying, abuse, loss of a parent, in an authentic Ranch environment.


"When family guest come and leave and they're smiling and so full of joy and hope, that is an indication we planted a seed of hope. A bit of hope in the dark night is able to help others dream bigger dreams and know there is a better day around the horizon," says Matilda. 


Disclaimer: Horsepower Ranch is a Hobbyist Ranch owned by The Johnson Family. HPR is not open to the public, does not offer trail rides of any kind, transact any horse or car business onsite. This is private property. Any and all visits are formal arrangements with you and the Johnson Family. Property is under constant video surveillance and armed security, so please do not enter without the expressed permission of the Johnson Family.



Horsepower Ranch. 2019

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